Incident Management

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We want to make sure you feel safe and continuously receive high-quality supports!


Managing incidents effectively is an essential part of providing quality and safe disability supports and services.

Interchange is a registered NDIS Provider. We, therefore, are required to meet NDIS Quality and Safeguarding standards and the NDIS Code of Conduct. These standards ensure services are high quality and your rights and views are respected, whilst also keeping you safe. We have obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct, including:

  • Provide supports and services in a safe and competent manner, with care and skill.
  • Promptly take steps to raise and act on concerns about matters that may impact the quality and safety of supports and services provided to people with disability.
  • Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against, and exploitation, neglect and abuse of, people with disability.
  • Take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct.

If an incident does occur, during or as a result of our service, we will:

  • make sure you and everyone involved is safe,
  • involve other organisations if required e.g. the Police,
  • record details about the incident in our systems,
  • find out the cause of the incident,
  • make changes so our services are improved,
  • provide you with ongoing support and keep you updated on changes we have made,
  • contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, if this is a reportable incident.


If you ever feel unsafe or unhappy with our service, we want to encourage you to tell us by:


If you prefer to speak to someone different than an Interchanger, you can contact:


Get in touch

T: (08) 9329 9399



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