Gladys Newton School Garden Gets a Healthy Boost

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We held a competition for schools to win a school garden starter/booster kit at the joint WAESPAA/AASE National Conference in August, and Gladys Newton School in Balga were the lucky winners!

Principal Gemma Bosnjak invited us down to present the prize, which included three mobile planter boxes, a compost bin, a worm farm and a $200 Bunnings voucher, at their school assembly recently.

Interchange CEO, Wendel Bamford, presented the prize to teacher Narelle Atkinson, who submitted the winning entry, on Friday, 23 October.

Gladys Newton School already have a thriving school garden which includes acquaculture and a huge variety of vegetables , so it is great to know that the prize will be put to good use by the students there.

Gladys Newton School is located in Balga and is proud to be a centre of excellence, creating opportunities for success for students with intellectual disabilities, autism and severe mental health issues.

We look forward to seeing what they grow and create with out prize!