Different Lens – Your time to SHINE!

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What is the DIFFERENT LENS’ Initiative? 

Carers WA is working together with Screenwest for a one-off opportunity for a Western Australian Producer or Production Company to work with emerging storytellers and practitioners who identify as disability-diverse. They are looking for 12 community members who have a disability and are willing to share their stories of how they contribute to their communities.

The aims of the initiative are to:
  • offer screen skills development opportunities for Western Australian disability-diverse screen practitioners
  • produce local disability-led content (storytellers)
  • build capacity of local screen sector to include disability-diverse practitioners
  • promote visibility of disability-diverse onscreen talent
More about the DIFFERENT LENS Initiative…

Phase one and two (already in progress)

  • Professional Production Company will mentor four paid professional placement opportunities for Screen Practitioners who identify as disability-diverse to develop their skills as a Writer, Director of Photography, Sound Recordist and/or Editor.


Phase three

  • Carers WA will support the selection process to find 12 storytellers who identify as disability-diverse and who have stories of inclusion in various focus areas:
    • Employment – do you have a story about being included in the workforce or developing a micro-enterprise?
    • Arts – can you share a story about you and your work being included in a mainstream arts company, gallery, event?
    • Recreation and Leisure – how do you feel included when you’re in your community and socialising with friends, utilising parks and facilities?
    • Sport – how has participation in sporting activities helped you to feel included in your community.
    • Screen – do you have a story about being included in the screen industry?
    • Any other area of life that tells a story about being and feeling included in your community.


Assessment Criteria

Carers WA and Screenwest will assess all stories against the following assessment criteria:

  • Potential to contribute unique inclusion perspectives in Western Australia
  • Storytelling mode e.g. verbal, augmented communication, text to speech, AUSLAN
  • Barriers to telling personal stories
  • Willingness to tell your story on camera – with or without support


Email your story in a one page (maximum) Word document and/or short (2 min maximum) video to Carers WA by the closing date: Tuesday, 3rd March 2020.


If you have any queries:

Carers WA
Paul Rogers
(08) 9228 7400

Simone Flavelle
(08) 6169 2100