A Valued Role – Becoming involved in a small, paid venture.

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a man recycling cans
Declan (left) and Anthea are recycling together.

My name is Anthea, and I am a Support Worker with Interchange. I have some great news that I want to share with you today around earning money from recycling.

I have seen how difficult it can be to make a transition from volunteer work to a role which offers some reward for your effort. Together with the people I support, I have created a list of venues and even residential homes, in the local community, who are offering us to come and collect empty containers. We then go to collect those and drop them off at local recycling places, in return for cash! All refunded money goes straight to our Interchange customers! How great is that?

One of the people I support, Declan, never fails to bring a smile to everyone’s face, when he pushes the trolley to the venues on collection day. He loves to make a big noise when tipping the bottles out at the recycling point. He then gets so happy, when it is time to take out his wallet, to collect his refund money.

Would you like to get involved?

This project is great for YOU if you:


Great news! As this is based on a refund system, an ABN is not required, and refunded amounts are not considered taxable income.

I am so excited about this project and would love to share it with more people! If you would like to get involved or find out more, have a chat with your Team Leader or Support Workers.

If you are interested in our services please fill out our Customer Form, send it to hello@interchangewa.org.au and we will be in touch shortly.