I like to write because I want other people to be able to read my stories. I want to share my stories; it feels good to know people read and enjoy them.
Hayden’s imagination is awe-inspiring. At 26, he is a successfully published author and has just released the third novel in his series of Dragon Paladin fantasy books. Hayden started writing ten years ago to escape his life and bring his imagination to life. He was struggling, battling depression, being bullied at school and feeling alone. Writing made him feel happy in his lonely moments. He was able to explore his creativity and writing the stories down helped him to relax.
When Hayden joined the Interchange community in November 2019, he was socially isolated and wanted to find ways to connect to new friends and community activities. Working in a library seemed like a good way to share his passion for writing and books. His Support Workers are proudly helping him make this dream a reality. They have encouraged him with his studies and helped him get assistance at TAFE. Hayden has completed his Certificate III in Library and Information Services and is well on the way to finishing his Certificate IV next year.
In his spare time, Hayden is getting out into his community and making friends with similar interests. He has big plans for his future, with lots of books to be written to complete his fantasy series. His books (Hatchling Heroes, Smouldering Hatred, and The Hidden Paths: The Journey of Cary, Darren and Alavare) are now available as e-books. Limited print copies of Hatchling Heroes are also available through Interchange.
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