Shared Management is as an approach for people and families to partner with providers to manage their NDIS funding arrangements, lead the setup and managing of their services and employ their own support staff.
A Shared Management arrangement enables our customer or their family, and Interchange to share responsibility for completing key tasks and meeting all of the legal obligations associated with delivering NDIS-funded supports and services to the individual.
Key responsibilities that are discussed and agreed in Shared Management arrangements include:
- Budgeting and budget monitoring;
- Secure record keeping (financial, personal, etc);
- Financial auditing;
- Complying with service delivery quality and safeguarding standards;
- Compiling and submitting yearly reports;
- Recruiting, orientating, inducting, training, rostering and supervising support people;
- Paying workers compensation and other insurance premiums;
- Paying wages and invoices;
- Submitting income tax payments to the ATO;
- Paying Superannuation Guarantee Contributions (SGC); and
- Meeting all other legal requirements.
Bryce’s Story
Bryce lives in his own home together with his support companions, Sulu and Litia, and his loving dog Mollie.
He has a unique arrangement that has been created just for him. Our companion living arrangement has been a game changer for Bryce who says that after seven years in hospital “it got me out of the system”.
It’s allowed him to stay in his own home and have choice and control in selecting his housemates and designing a support system specific to his needs.
Bryce is also involved in the lives of his parents, sister, brother-in-law and 3 nephews, so the companionship arrangement allows Bryce and his family to spend more quality time together creating memories and having fun!
Sulu also enjoys the freedom and flexibility that the companionship arrangement offers and says the most rewarding thing is helping someone else. Sulu says that while some people may call it companionship, “Bryce is part of the family.”
If you are interested in our services please fill out our Customer Form, send it to and we will be in touch shortly.